WASHINGTON – January 10, 2012 – The U.S. is imposing new catch limits on both commercial and recreational fishing. The rules will apply to more than 500 species of fish and are the result of a multi-year effort on the part of lawmakers from both parties, environmentalists, and some industry representatives. Supporters claim the overall program is an enormous achievement that will help sustain many fish populations for years to come. But there are critics: The limits, they say, will be based on inaccurate and out-of-date data and exclude critical forage fish and habitats. In addition, some who depend on fishing for their livelihoods say they'll suffer: Please join us for a conversation on the effort to preserve U.S. fisheries
Juliet Eilperin
environmental reporter, The Washington Post, and author of " Demon Fish: Travels Through the Hidden World of Sharks."
Eric Schwaab
assistant administrator for fisheries,National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
John Connelly president
National Fisheries Institute
Jim Donofrio
Recreational Fishing Alliance
Vito Giacalone
chairman,governmental affairs, Northeast Seafood Coalition