First year (for expanded sector management program): 2010
Type of Catch Share Program: Annual Catch Entitlement (ACE) to each sector
Management units: Twenty stocks of groundfish; fourteen stocks are allocated to sectors with approved operations plans.
Vessels / Gear types: Seventeen sectors have submitted operations plans for 2010, representing 762 of the 1477 eligible permit holders and >98% of the commercial NE multispecies annual catch limits (ACLs) for 2010. Non-sector vessels (referred to as common-pool vessels) will continue to fish under the days-at-sea effort control program. Sector vessels fish primarily with sink gillnets, bottom longline (tub trawls), otter trawls, jigs and handlines.
Stock Overfishing Overfished
GB Cod Yes Yes
GOM Cod Yes No
Yellowtail Flounder Yes Yes
Witch Flounder Yes Yes
GB Winter Flounder Yes Yes
SNE/MA Winter Flounder Yes Yes
GB/GOM White Hake Yes Yes
GB/GOM Pollock Yes Yes
Windowpane Flounder Yes Yes
Windowpane Flounder Yes No
Ocean Pout No Yes
Atlantic Halibut No Yes
Atlantic Wolffish Unknown Yes
Haddock & Redfish No No
GOM Winter Flounder Unknown Unknown
Read the entire bulliten from NOAA.