NORFOLK, Va — December 11, 2012 — The studio of NPR/PBS affiliate WHRV/WHRO housed significant discussion and debate today regarding the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) upcoming consideration of Atlantic menhaden harvest cuts.
The radio program HearSay with Cathy Lewis hosted members of the menhaden fishing industry and environmental groups, and even received input from Congressman Robert Wittman, of the 1st District of Virginia. Louis Daniel, who chairs the ASMFC’s Atlantic Menhaden Management Board, also contributed to the discussion. Sound bites from that radio program can be found below
Listen to Congressman Robert Wittman discuss the need for sound fisheries science, rather than politics, in the ASMFC’s upcoming menhaden management decision.
Listen to Congressman Robert Wittman assert that shutting down the menhaden fishery is an irresponsible way of managing the resource.
Listen to Congressman Robert Wittman discuss the funding of scientific research, as well as the importance of examining all of the available science surrounding the issue, and not just the science that supports a particular viewpoint.
Listen to the Director of Public Affairs at Omega Protein, Ben Landry, discuss the Pew Environment Group’s efforts to put Omega Protein out of business, as well as Omega’s status as a multigenerational, minority employer.
Listen to Peter Baker, the Director of the Pew Environment Group’s Northeast Fisheries Program, respond to Ben Landry’s claim that the Pew Environment Group wants to put Omega Protein out of business.
Listen to Congressman Robert Wittman discuss managing the menhaden stocks in a proper and sustainable way.
Listen to Louis Daniel, the vice-chair of the ASMFC and chair of their Atlantic Menhaden Management Board, discuss the need for a reliable menhaden stock assessment and the importance of rebuilding the menhaden stock while remaining cognizant of social and economic consequences.