February 2, 2018 — SEAFOOD NEWS — Peru’s anchovy fishing season officially concluded at the end of January. Fishing was constrained by fishing bans and restrictions put in place due to the large percentage of juveniles.
The bans were lifted in early January, but the season closed less than a month later due to the beginning of spawning.
According to Wayne Bacon of Hammersmith Marketing Ltd., the Peruvian anchovy fishery failed to reach their quota. The total catch appears to be at 650,000 m/t, which is under the anticipated quota by approximately 850,000 tons.
The catch will produce 148,000 metric tons of fishmeal.
Trade sources told Bacon that approximately 160,000 m/t of fishmeal has been presold. With production expected to be less than 150,000 metric tons, there is speculaton that there will be limited supplies for new sales, not already contracted.
This sets the stage for prices of fishmeal to increase.
This story originally appeared on Seafoodnews.com, a subscription site. It is reprinted with permission.