The Norwegian research institute, Nofima, has revealed that two new ISO standards for traceability of fish products have been approved.
“These standards will provide consumers around the globe with access to more information about the seafood they eat,” says Senior Scientist, Petter Olsen, who has headed the work related to the new ISO standards.
The standards will state which information must be recorded on the fishing boat or at the fish farm, at the fish processing company, transport company and wholesaler and in the shop selling the fish to the consumers. One ISO standard applies to wild fish, while the other applies to farmed fish.
“Large volumes of seafood are today transported long distances before being eaten by the consumers. If all the links in the supply chain follow the ISO standards, it will be possible to trace the products back through the entire chain to the catch location or fish farm,” says Olsen.
“Consequently, the consumers will be able to find out where the seafood comes from, its characteristics, resource use and environmental profile.”
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