OTTAWA — The Harper government unveiled a massive omnibus budget implementation bill Thursday that includes Fisheries Act amendments that will strip the term "habitat" from the most crucial section of the law.
The government's intent, according to a spokeswoman, to assist "everyday Canadians" in their dealings with federal fisheries bureaucrats.
And the official said allegations that the government is giving in to demands from energy and mining lobbyists are false.
"These are changes being made in our department that are designed to help Canadians — everyday Canadians: landowners, municipalities, farmers – be able to undertake activities on their properties without obtrusive interference by our department," said Erin Filliter, spokeswoman for Fisheries Minister Keith Ashfield.
But opposition critics and environmental groups say the government is misleading the public about what they say is a move in the 431-page bill to appease the natural resource sector.
Read the complete article from The Vancouver Sun