January 7, 2013 — The following was released by the Maine Department of Marine Resources.
As of January 3, 2013, reports to the Maine Department of Marine Resources indicate more than 123 million pounds of lobsters have been caught in 2012, an increase of approximately 18 million pounds over 2011. Yet while the lobster fishery has experienced unparalleled growth in landings, the total value is almost $331 million, a decrease of $3.7 million compared to 2011.
With some dealer reports still outstanding, the current numbers are incomplete, and therefore are considered preliminary. The Department will issue an updated report by late February.
“This unprecedented preliminary landings report provides us with both an opportunity and a challenge,” said Commissioner Patrick Keliher. “We need to look closely at this abundant resource and address the challenges presented when supply exceeds demand, as it did this past year, resulting in a decreased overall value which affects the entire industry. To put this into perspective, in 2005, the industry landed 70 million pounds for $320 million.
“We will be seeking input into the development of management measures that respond to abundant supply and its adverse impact statewide on boat price, particularly in the summer months,” added the Commissioner. “These issues are a big part of the dialogue I will be having with industry over the next month during a series of public meetings.” Information about the meetings and a schedule can be found on the DMR website at http://www.maine.gov/dmr/LobsterIndustry.htm.
The 2011 lobster landings of 104,887,598 pounds with a value of $334,690,345 were at the time the highest lobster landings and value ever recorded since DMR and National Marine Fisheries Service began keeping records. At that time, the pounds and value increased from 2010 levels by more than 8.6 million pounds and $15.7 million. For reference, 2010 landings were 96,208,807 pounds with a value of $318,891,777.
In January 2008, DMR began collecting detailed trip level records from dealers. According to the information reported to date, there were 4,345 active commercial lobster harvesters out of the 5,961 commercial license holders in 2011.
For preliminary 2012 landings broken down by county, month and zone, visit DMR’s website.