NEW BEDFORD – July 18, 2010 – County Tipperary in Ireland is landlocked, so when young Michael Francis Foley left the family home in 1906 to seek his fortune, opening a fish market was probably not part of his vision for conquering America. But when he stepped ashore in Boston that is just what he did and, a century later, the company he founded, Foley Fish, is still prospering in the hands of the fourth generation of Foleys.
The green Foley delivery trucks are a common sight in New Bedford as they roll in and out of the fish house in the South End, under the watchful eye of Laura Foley Ramsden, company president and the great granddaughter of old M.F.
Inside, the walls of the Wright Street office are covered with historic photos from the company's past and the display includes a flyer from 1936 advertising flounder for 20 cents per pound, cod for 15 cents and halibut for 35 cents.
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