Since 1997, the Massachusetts fishing industry has been provided with health insurance coverage and services from a plan of its own making, tailored to the unique needs of a culture that demands mortal risk for modest rewards.
But now, the Fishing Partnership Health Plan insurance program is being dissolved, its members — fishermen, shoreside service providers and their families — shifted into MassHealth and similar large quasi-public insurance programs.
"Apples to apples," health insurance will be more expensive, according to a consensus of industry leaders.
A state subsidy of 40 percent of premiums has lightened the load for industry members.
"It will cost more, a lot more," said Jackie Odell, executive director of the Northeast Seafood Coalition, and a member of the board of the Massachusetts Fishermen's Partnership, which is made up of many industry groups and is based in Gloucester.
Read the complete story from The Gloucester Times.