May 11, 2016 — The following statement was released by Jerry Schill, President of the North Carolina Fisheries Association, following the passage of the ASMFC motion calling for the president not to declare a marine monument in the Atlantic Ocean:
“Recently the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission adopted a resolution in support of continuing the current New England Fishery Management Council’s coral management process. The North Carolina Fisheries Association supports the ASMFC’s resolution, and opposes a Presidential Proclamation designating a marine monument. Such a designation would have a very negative effect on our nation’s seafood industry.
A process has been set up to allow for the management of our marine resources in federal waters. It was called the Magnuson Act when passed by Congress in 1976 and we respectfully urge the President to allow the process to be served through that legislation.”
The North Carolina Fisheries Association, Inc. was organized in 1952 and serves as the voice of the commercial fishing industry in North Carolina.