January 10, 2025 — The following was released by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council:
The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (Council) is seeking qualified candidates for two openings on its Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC). Successful candidates will serve a three-year appointment beginning in March of 2025.
The SSC serves as the Council’s primary scientific/technical advisory body and provides independent scientific advice for fishery management decisions, including recommendations for acceptable biological catch and rebuilding targets. The SSC also provides science advice and information on stock status, bycatch, habitat, social and economic impacts of management measures, and research priorities. SSC members are also expected to serve on various technical working groups and peer review panels. The SSC typically meets 4-5 times per year, with meetings lasting from one to three days. Meetings may be held in-person or via webinar, and in-person meetings are usually held in the Mid-Atlantic region (e.g., Philadelphia, PA or Baltimore, MD).
Membership is composed of state and federal employees, academia, and independent experts with scientific and technical expertise in biology, statistics, stock assessments, economics, social science, and other relevant disciplines. Highly qualified candidates from all relevant fields are encouraged to apply. Special consideration will be given to applicants with expertise in fisheries ecology and life history, forage fish biology, recreational fisheries, survey design, and stock assessments.
Individuals interested in applying for nomination to the SSC must submit a current curriculum vitae (CV) or resume and a brief letter describing qualifications, relevant experience, and reason for interest in joining the SSC. All applications received will be reviewed by the Council’s Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will recommend up to two applicants for consideration and approval by the full Council.
Applications and materials may be submitted by email to Dr. Chris Moore, Executive Director, at admin@mafmc.org. All applications must be received by 5:00 P.M. on Friday, January 17, 2025. If you have any questions or need further information about the process, please contact Brandon Muffley at bmuffley@mafmc.org; 302-526-5260. Additional information about the SSC is available at https://www.mafmc.org/ssc.