February 5, 2018 — The following was released by the New England Fishery Management Council:
The New England Fishery Management Council is soliciting applicants to serve on a working group that will explore the use of fishery dependent data to inform stock abundance.
WHAT’S INVOLVED: The working group will have four primary tasks, which are to:
- Explain how fishery dependent and independent data are used in stock assessments;
- Summarize the theoretical utility and limitations of catch per unit effort (CPUE) or landings per unit effort (LPUE) as an index of abundance for Northeast multispecies (groundfish) stocks;
- Identify the fishery factors and fishery dependent data needs to create a reliable CPUE; and
- Perform a gap analysis that compares existing conditions to the desired factors.
While the group is expected to focus on CPUE/LPUE, other approaches may be identified as well.
WORKING GROUP RESPONSIBILITIES: Working group members should expect to assist in documenting the group’s activities and drafting the subsequent report. A preliminary report will be prepared by June 2018.
WORKING GROUP COMPOSITION: The Fishery Dependent Data Working Group will consist of the following 10 members:
- Two industry members;
- Six scientists;
- One New England Council staff member; and
- One National Marine Fisheries Service Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office staff member.
Of the six scientists, two will be selected and appointed by the Council chair. Four will be identified by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center and appointed by the Council chair. Of those four, two will come from the science center itself and two from outside the center.
Learn more about the NEFMC by visiting their site here.