This series is the first of several we'll be bringing you this month as part of our on-going Water Project here at WCAI. To start, reporter Elizabeth Saito brings us the story of one retired fisherman in Chatham.
Seventy-one year old Fred Bennet pulls a tattered photo album from the top shelve of his entry room closet.
BENNET: "Yup, this is it. I'll bring it in the other room. Show you."
Bennet carries the album into his study. His gait is slow and slightly strained — "fisherman's knees" he explains.
BENNET: "Oh, there's my first boat."
The story of Fred's Bennet's life-long career as a commercial fisherman says a lot about how fishing has changed over the past 50 years. Bennet started out hook fishing for cod, hauling his catch in by hand. A marine radio was the only piece of electronics onboard.
Read and listen to the complete story from NPR radio's WCAI (via WGBH)