In her June 19 guest editorial, "Setting the record straight about oil and fish," Holly Binns of the Pew Environment Group attempted to demonstrate that "the notion that Pew is somehow protecting oil interests" doesn't hold water, by writing "Pew divested from the oil company's stock more than 15 years ago."
I imagine what she meant to write was that the Pew Charitable Trusts divested themselves of Sun Oil stock back then, which is accurate as far as it goes. If I remember correctly, the trusts divested themselves of all oil/energy holdings at that time.
But is that the whole story? A quick trip to the Pew Charitable Trusts website shows that seven of the 14 members of the trusts' board of directors are Pews, direct descendants of Joseph Pew, founder of Sun Oil (now Sunoco).
Read the complete editorial at The Daytona Beach News Journal.