May 23, 2014 — The following was released by NOAA Fisheries:
In the past few weeks, we’ve seen more whales hit by ships along the eastern US seaboard than is typical for this time of year. Three ship strikes, involving two sei whales and a fin whale, have occurred with vessels inbound to New York City, NY and Philadelphia, PA.
“It’s not clear why we’ve seen an increase in collisions, but it may be that whales are coming closer to shore following food,” said Mendy Garron, coordinator, Marine Mammal Stranding Network, Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office. “At least one of the whales, which was necropsied (animal autopsy), had a full stomach.”
We want to remind mariners, the US has had measures in place to help reduce the threat of vessel collisions along the east coast since 2008. The rule requires that vessels 65 feet or greater in length to travel at 10 knots or less in certain areas and during certain seasons where endangered North Atlantic right whales may be present. This rule applies within 20 nautical miles around all major ports in the mid-Atlantic. NOAA Fisheries researchers report approximately 80 percent of right whale sightings in the mid-Atlantic are within 20 nautical miles of shore. NOAA also established a program for temporary voluntary speed limits in other areas when an aggregation of three or more right whales is confirmed. There are a number of other steps mariners can take to help reduce the chances of hitting a right whale. Click here for details.
These ship speed restrictions were put in place primarily to protect the North Atlantic right whale, one of the most endangered whales in the world. They also benefit other species that use coastal areas to migrate, feed, and nurse their young.
Read the full story at NOAA Fisheries