August 29, 2013 — While attention has been on the Manhan River Bridge replacement this summer, another project has been progressing on the same river just out of sight – the completion of the long-planned fish ladder.
In March, the city awarded the contract to complete the Manhan River fish ladder to New England Infrastructure Inc. of Hudson, which was the low bidder.
The company has been at work on the project since June, although rain, which raised the water table, slowed progress, said Mayor Michael A. Tautznik.
But he said crews have been working ever since and have had “nothing unforeseen (happen.) We are confident the project will be finished by the end of the year.”
The ladder, designed to help species like shad, blueback herring and Atlantic salmon reach spawning waters upstream from the dam, was supposed to have been in place by the spring of 2011.
Read the full story at The Republican