March 11, 2020 — Can taking Metro prevent shark bites? That’s the contention of an ad in stations and trains throughout the region. It’s part of a Metro public relations campaign to highlight the effects of climate change and how taking public transit can help. If you’ve seen the shark bite ads and wondered about them — you’re in good company.
“As someone who studies sharks and shark conservation, and in fact who has been involved in studies of climate change and sharks, this caught my attention,” says David Shiffman, a marine conservation biologist. The ad caught his attention, he says, “because it’s nonsense.”
The ad shows a black shark fin on an orange zig-zag background. It reads: “More CO2 could lead to increased shark bites. Keep the sharks at bay. Take Metro.”
Metro’s other climate change ads are on pretty solid scientific ground. There’s one about arctic ice melting and one about extreme weather — both well known consequences of climate change. Other ads focus on more obscure impacts — how climate change is affecting wine and beer producers. Still, says Shiffman, “The agricultural consequences are fairly well documented and not controversial.”