February 25, 2014 — The following was released by NOAA Fisheries:
Good news – despite all the cold weather and snow this winter, fewer sea turtles stranded due to “cold-stunning” along the U.S. North Atlantic coast from Massachusetts to Virginia compared to last year. Last year was a record year for cold-stuns (sea turtles suffering from hypothermia due to drops in water temperature). NOAA Fisheries’ partners responded to 481 reports in 2012, versus 268 during the 2013 season, which ended in December.
Most of the reported animals, this year and on average over the past five years, were Kemp’s ridleys, followed by loggerheads and green sea turtles.
“The five year average is really skewed by the 2012 stranding season,” said Kate Sampson, stranding coordinator for NOAA Fisheries’ Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office. “We’re not really sure why last year was so bad.