How is it that after NOAA scientists, and even National Marine Fisheries Service director, Eric Schwabb, have declared overfishing virtually ended in the majority of our U.S. fisheries, we still have regulations and management programs geared toward solving the fisheries crisis and declarations by aquaculture advocates that the "wild caught" fisheries cannot supply domestic demand for product?
As Naomi Klein points out in The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, it's the create-a-crisis strategy. Not that there aren't plenty of real environmental crises to go around. This idea, however, refers to a strategically created crisis, a sort of NY subway pickpocket's bump-and-lift type distraction. It's the "Hey! Look at that over there!!! …all the fish will be extinct in 20 years", while the "free market environmentalism" pickpockets ply their trade and steal another publicly held natural resource.
Create a crisis mentality as "cover", and while everyone scampers around putting out imaginary brush fires, move in with a new "regime change", a new order—a scheme geared to best enhance the perps' profits.
Read the complete story at Newsvine.