Alexandria, VA – FEBRUARY 20, 2013 — The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s Atlantic Herring Section has set the annual catch limit (ACL) for the 2013 – 2015 fishing seasons at 107,800 metric tons (mt), an 18% increase from 2010 – 2012 limits. For all three years, the ACL is further subdivided by Atlantic herring management areas as follows: Area 1A = 31,200 mt, Area 1B = 4,600 mt, Area 2 = 30,000 mt, and Area 3 = 42,000 mt. The Area 1A sub-ACL will be distributed seasonally with 72.8% available from June 1 – September 30 and 27.2 % available from October 1 – December 31. The specifications are the same as those adopted by the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC). The table below outlines the Commission’s herring specifications for 2013-2015.
Summary of ASMFC Atlantic Herring Specifications for 2013-2015. The ACL and sub-ACL values will be modified at a later date to account for overages from the 2011 fishery.
The Section also initiated the development of Draft Addendum VI to the Atlantic Herring FMP. The Draft Addendum will include options for seasonal splitting of the sub-ACLs and establishment of sub-ACL quota triggers through the specification process. The Draft Addendum will propose triggers for closing the directed fishery (1) in a management area when 92% of the sub-ACL is projected to be reached, and (2) in all management areas when 95% of the stock-wide ACL (107,800 mt) is projected to be reached. A 2,000 pound trip limit will continue after directed fisheries are closed. These triggers are intended to prevent quota overages of both the sub-ACLs and the total ACL. The Draft Addendum also proposes to allow for up to 10% carryover of unharvested sub-ACLs. The measures proposed in the Draft Addendum are consistent with NEFMC’s Framework 2.