WASHINGTON (Saving Seafood) Jan. 29, 2013 — Thomas A. Nies, a member of the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) staff since 1997, has been named Executive Director of the NEFMC. Mr. Nies will succeed Captain Paul Howard who has served in that capacity for sixteen years. The transition will take place on March 1st. The executive director is selected by the 18 members of the NEFMC.
Mr. Nies has served on the council staff as Assistant Technical Coordinator and Groundfish Plan Coordinator.
Mr. Nies is a graduate of the United States Coast Guard Academy. He served in the Coast Guard for 21 years, completing his career in the service as Captain of the U.S.C.G. Spencer based in Boston.
Mr. Nies and his wife, Denise live in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. They are the parents of two adult daughters.