December 31, 2023 — NOAA Fisheries released the 2023 Ecosystem Status Reports for the eastern Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands, and the Gulf of Alaska. The reports provide the basis for current conditions and trends for critical oceanographic, biological, and ecological indicators in marine ecosystems.
Every year, fishery managers at NOAA, U.S. federal and state agencies, academic institutions, tribes, nonprofits, and scientists contribute to the reports. The data and information from these reports support federal commercial fish and crab fisheries management. For nearly three decades, fishery management has relied on these reports to understand further how commercial fish and crab populations are affected by changes in the marine environment.
“Warming at rates four times faster than the rest of the ocean, Alaska’s Arctic ecosystems are a bellwether for climate change. Now more than ever, ecosystem and climate-related data and information are essential to support adaptive resource management and resilient commercial, recreational, and subsistence fisheries, and rural and coastal communities,” said Robert Roy, director of Alaska Fisheries Science Center.