New Bedford, Mass. — August 30, 2012 — A pair of unlikely roommates, er, tank mates, just moved in at Fisherman's Market, Fleet Fisheries on Blackmer Street.
"A three-clawed lobster — it really turns your head. The only way I can explain it is take your arm and put two hands at the end," said Bubba Ponte, the market's manager.
This week's as-yet-unnamed three-clawed lobster came in Tuesday and shares a tank with last week's oddity, a blue lobster, Ponte said.
Fleet Fisheries caught the blue lobster last week and both specimens weigh between 2½ and three pounds, Ponte said.
Store employees decided to put the oddballs on display rather than sell them and are hoping someone will come and clue them in on the science behind three-clawed lobsters, he said.
Neither lobster has a name yet.
"The public can come in and give us ideas for what to name them," Ponte said.
Fisherman's Market is located at 20 Blackmer St.
Read the full story in the New Bedford Standard Times