FREDERICTON, New Brunswick — August 8, 2012 — New Brunswick fishermen protested outside the federal fisheries minister’s office Wednesday in an ongoing dispute over lobsters from Maine, while a U.S. senator from Maine called for beefed-up enforcement in the province to ensure the smooth flow of goods across the border.
The fishermen rallied outside the Fredericton office of Keith Ashfield, saying they are upset that low-priced lobsters from Maine are being processed in the province, thereby driving down prices for their own products.
‘‘They can’t take it anymore,’’ said Christian Brun, a spokesman for the Maritime Fishermen’s Union. ‘‘They’re going to go bankrupt and everybody’s on the edge.’’
Lobster processors in New Brunswick agreed Friday to pay a minimum of $2.50 per pound for processed lobster and $3 per pound for live market lobster. But Brun said New Brunswick fishermen need $4 per pound for both fresh and processed lobster just to break even.
The union had hoped compensation from the New Brunswick government would make up for the difference. But provincial Fisheries Minister Michael Olscamp flatly refused that request.
‘‘We’re not in the game of bridging gaps in salaries where people are paid for product,’’ he said. ‘‘It would set a very dangerous precedent.’’
Brun said that decision has thrown a ‘‘monkey wrench’’ into negotiations between the government and the union.
Instead, the province has offered to grant fishermen who have taken part in an $11 million loan program an extra year to pay back the money. The union has refused, Brun said.
‘‘Ideas have been thrown around, but nothing has yet appeared that would be of interest for our members,’’ he said.
Read the full story from the AP at the Boston Globe.