Here is a summary of the major Council actions on groundfish at the June 19-21, 2012 Council meeting in Portland, ME. As always, this brief summary does not capture the entire discussion. Sound files are available on our web page, and motions will be available in about a week. Please contact me if there are any questions or corrections.
1. Amendment 18 Scoping Comments: Council staff presented a summary of comments received during the Amendment 18 scoping period. The purpose of this amendment is to consider accumulation caps and issues related to fleet diversity. The presentation and a written summary, as well as all comments are available on the Council web page. Progress on this amendment is likely to be delayed as the Council addresses other groundfish issues.
2. Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder: The Council discussed measures to address the low quota in FY 2012 for GB yellowtail flounder. They also received an updated estimate of the amount of GB YTF the scallop fishery is expected to catch in FY 2012. The following steps were taken; please note that these actions have to be approved by NMFS before they will be effective.
a. The Council agreed to request NMFS take action to reduce the scallop fishery sub-ACL for GB YTF to 156.9 mt and increase the groundfish fishery sub-ACL to 368.3 mt. In addition, the Council asked NMFS to adopt an emergency action that would keep the trigger for scallop fishery AMs for GB YTF at the original sub-ACL (307.5 mt). This is a one-time measure and only applies to FY 2012.
b. The Council added a measure to the sector framework that would define an area within the GB YTF stock area where sector vessels could continue to fish if their sector’s ACE for GB YTF was caught.
c. The Council requested that NMFS allow SAPS in CAII for haddock to open May 1 rather than August 1.
d. Tasked US TMGC members to work with NERO to compare the advantages and disadvantages of readdressing the US/CA Resource Sharing Understanding.
e. Fast track the Omnibus Habitat Amendment.
3. ABC/ACL/AM Issues: The Council addressed several issues related to specifications that will be adopted in a framework action later this year. This included adopting an option for a SNE/MAB windowpane flounder sub-ACL for the scallop fishery, consideration of the Mixed Stock Exception for this stock, and two options for allocating GB YTF to the scallop fishery. The Council will also send a letter to the MFAFMC and ASMFC advising them that it will consider SNEMAB windowpane flounder sub-ACLs for the fluke and scup fisheries. Modifications to the timing for the AMs for non-allocated stocks were also adopted.
4. Sector Framework: Several options for changes to the sector management measures were added for consideration.
5. The Council formally decided to combine the ABC and sector actions into one framework, to be approved in November. Draft measures text will be posted on the web page and updated frequently as the framework is developed over the course of the summer.
6. The Council also voted to send several letters to NMFS or the NEFSC. These will clarify the Council’s intent on electronic monitoring, request a discussion of the discard mortality assumptions for halibut and wolffish, request full funding of monitoring costs in FY 2013, and request advice from NMFS on whether it is possible to authorize up to 50 pct. carryover of GOM cod sector ACL to fishing year 2013.