May 24, 2012 – The following was released by NOAA Fisheries and the New England Fisheries Management Council:
Fishermen, scientists, managers and interested members of the public met today in New England’s
largest fishing port to explore options that could mitigate the low catch limits that now constrain
catches of yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank.
“We formed a joint NOAA Fisheries Service and New England Fishery Management Council working
group and scheduled this meeting in New Bedford, MA, to proactively engage scallop and groundfish
fishermen and others in discussions to identify potential solutions to the problem,” said Samuel Rauch,
acting Assistant Administrator, NOAA Fisheries Service. “Only by working together can we find workable
solutions that we can all live with.”
To get everyone on the same page, presenters shared information on how stock status is determined
and how the joint U.S./Canada management body makes catch allocations for this shared stock. Other
information was presented about existing efforts that are underway to reduce yellowtail bycatch in the
scallop fishery via gear modifications and real‐time communications among vessels so they can avoid
high concentrations of yellowtail flounder.
Suggestions included updating scientific information, possibly expediting transfers of yellowtail flounder
from the scallop fishery to the groundfish fishery, exploring the feasibility of setting a zero possession
limit for yellowtail and other options.
“We need to take a hard look at many of the good ideas aired here today and advance workable
solutions as quickly as possible,” said C.M. “Rip” Cunningham, chair, New England Fishery Management