April 2, 2021 — There aren’t too many times someone can offer you $12.4 million dollars and you feel like you’ve been cheated. However, that’s exactly the way a number of Louisiana fishing families and business owners must be feeling this morning after finding out just how badly Louisiana is getting hosed by administrators of the CARES Act Fisheries Funding program.
That program authorized $255 million dollars in federal money to support states whose fishing industries were severely disrupted by the coronavirus pandemic. That’s a good thing. Especially when you consider that Louisiana is the second-largest producer of seafood in the country.
Just so you can understand just how distorted the distribution of funds from this federal program actually is, please consider this. Louisiana will receive $12.4 million dollars under the program. Washington state will receive $40 million even though Louisiana has a 50% greater value to our fisheries landings.