The Northeast Seafood Coalition last week wrote to northeastern members of the United States House of Representatives and the Senate regarding the Gulf of Maine Cod situation to urge the following:
They asked that the New England Fisheries Managment Council Scientific and Statistical Committee not be requested to provide a formal recommendation for an Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC) which would trigger the Council process for setting a definitive Annual Catch Limit (ACL). They expressed concern that this rigid process would produce an immediate, devastating result for the cod fishery from which the fishery would never recover.
Instead, they recommend that the SSC be encouraged to adopt an ‘interim catch level’ that achieves at least in the short term (one year) the overarching intent of Congress in the MSA to strike a balance between the goals of achieving a sustainable resource and a sustainable fishery. In addition, they have urged the agency to consider utilizing its authority to promulgate an interim rule that implements the SSC’s interim catch level pursuant to MSA section 304(e)(6) for the duration of fishing year 2012. They noted that Congress can play a critical role in providing a clear policy direction to the agency to pursue this sensible approach for addressing the GOM cod situation.
The Coalition asked Congress, the agency and the Council to consider both the immediate needs to address the Gulf of Maine cod situation as well as the need to proactively address the fundamental underlying scientific and policy issues that are certain to be repeated for other stocks in the region and nationwide.
Read the Northeast Seafood Coalition's Letter to Senators
Read the Northeast Seafood Coalition's Letter to Representatives