April 30, 2020 — The following was released by NOAA Fisheries:
NOAA Fisheries reminds you that vessels that are issued the groundfish charter/party Letters of Authorization (LOA) may not participate in the commercial fishery for any species managed by the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils during the enrollment period. These vessels may not sell, barter, or trade fish that are harvested or possessed by the vessel on any trip, even if the trip was taken outside the closure area. The enrollment periods are as follows:
- WGOM and Cashes Ledge Closed Area Charter/Party LOA: A vessel issued this LOA in fishing year 2020 is subject to the LOA requirements for the remainder of the fishing year, through April 30, 2021.
- GOM Cod Protection Closures and Spawning Area Charter/Party LOA: Minimum enrollment period of three months.
If you have questions regarding your 2020 LOA or to make changes, please call the Greater Atlantic Region Permit Office, (978) 282-8438.
For more information about the requirements and regulations pertaining to Letters of Authorization, please contact the Sustainable Fisheries Division, (978) 281-9315.