It's essential that any added allocation be funneled to the struggling small, independent boats — not the big-boat business of Maine, or the Cape Cod Hook Fishermen's Association, which have already gotten more than their share through the New England Council's shaky actions in the past.
And it's equally vital that any new research efforts not be run through NOAA or groups tied to its catch share puppeteer, the Environmental Defense Fund. For any research to have credibility, it has to include significant input from the likes of Brian Rothschild's acclaimed UMass-Dartmouth marine science program and representatives of at least the ports of Gloucester and New Bedford.
Kerry's assessment that discussion has come a long way is worth noting, and he deserves immense credibility for taking a greater leadership role on these issues.
But the bottom line is turning these positive discussions into action — the kind of truly independent action fishermen have been owed for a very long time.
Read the complete opinion piece from The Gloucester Times.