The earth’s oceans are a very precious resource. They cover over 70percent of the globe, control our climate and provide the primarysource of protein for over 1 billion people around the world. Theyprovide refuge from everyday life for untold numbers of divers,sailors, swimmers and vacationers.
But the oceans need our help. Danger of every kind, from large-scalecommercial fishing to worldwide pollution, threatens the stability ofthe earth’s largest ecosystem. Decimation of marine life populations,contamination of the fish that survive and destruction of coral reefsare just a few of the threats currently facing the world’s oceans. Leftunchecked, the oceans as we know them will cease to exist.
The oceans don’t have a voice, but you do. It’s called Oceana.Oceana is a world-wide conservation organization with more than 300,000members and e-activists in over 150 countries. Oceana is a non-profitorganization that is 100 percent focused on ocean conservation. With asingular focus on saving the earth’s oceans, Oceana focuses on severalmajor campaigns, including dirty fishing, destructive trawling, sharkfinning, seafood contamination, sea turtle conservation, fishingsubsidies and global warming.