“Truth,” directed by Dana Neugent of the University of Rhode Island’s Feinstein Providence Campus, is a damning documentary against a government bureaucracy that doesn’t understand the colossal problems their regulations have imposed on the fishing industry, regulations that fishermen say are often imposed up to five years after the data the regulators base it on has changed. One fisherman complains that the rules have resulted in a replenishment of certain fish, but the restrictive regulations have not been adjusted to reflect that replenishment.
Going down to the sea in ships has never been more difficult for New England’s fishermen thanks to over-regulation by the federal government.
That’s the position taken by a large number of men who make their living fishing the North Atlantic, as well as of several fishing experts, in “Truth: Fishing Crisis or Government Mismanagement” which will be screened Sunday as part of the FLICKERS: Rhode Island International Film Festival program.
Read the complete story from The Providence Journal.