July 11, 2016 — The following was released by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission:
As of June 6, 2016, 25% of the Trimester 2 quota (June 1 – September 30) for Area 1A (inshore Gulf of Maine) has been harvested. The Maine Department of Marine Resources (DMR) has issued a herring emergency rule, effective July 9, 2016, in an attempt to distribute the Trimester 2 quota (72.8% of the Area 1A sub-ACL) as far into Trimester 2 as possible. This action also provides for fishing opportunities to account for
weather and safe operations.
As described in the emergency rule, vessels landing herring caught in Area 1A in any Maine port will be limited to the following provisions. See the DMR regulations for specific definitions and more information:https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/MEDMR/bulletins/154c337
- 3 fishing days (Saturday 6 p.m. to Tuesday 6 p.m.)
- 2 landing days (Sunday 6 p.m. to Tuesday 6 p.m.)
- Weekly landing limit of no more than 600,000 lbs (15 trucks)
- Harvester vessels can make at-sea transfers to only one carrier vessel per week
- Harvester vessels are limited to making one landing per 24-hour period (6 p.m. to 6 p.m.)
- Harvester and carrier vessels shall send an email hail to DMR three hours prior to landing. See DMR website for specific reporting requirements.
Given the above measures, action on behalf of the Atlantic Herring Section is not warranted at this time; therefore, the ‘days out’ call on July 11 is cancelled. Staff will continue to monitor landings and will schedule ‘days out’ calls on an as needed basis, while providing 48 hours notice to interested parties. Vessels (except those landing in Maine) should adhere to the following ‘days out’ schedule that was released by the Commission in April.
- July 1 – 14: Vessels may land 4 consecutive days a week. All other days are designated as ‘days out’ of the fishery (e.g., vessels may not land herring).
- July 15 – September 30: Vessels may land herring 5 consecutive days a week until further notice. All other days are designated as ‘days out’ of the fishery.