A groundbreaking, two-year research project led by the DEP shows minimal environmental impact would occur at sites proposed for several wind energy projects off the coast of New Jersey, which is a national leader in an effort to develop offshore wind-to-energy power.
Designed by scientists from the DEP, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Minerals Management Service, the study will help identify optimum sites off the Jersey coast for wind energy projects that would have the least impact on the environment.
The draft final report unveiled today shows there would be negligible impacts to bird, fish and marine mammal life caused “green energy’’ turbines which could be located from 3 to 20 miles out to sea, from Barnegat Bay to Hereford Inlet off the coast of Atlantic, Ocean and Cape May counties.
Read the complete story at The Cape May County Herald.