March 27, 2015 — The following was released by NOAA Fisheries:
Today, we announce that we have made a positive 90-day finding on two petitions submitted to us to consider listing porbeagle sharks (Lamna nasus) under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). This action is being taken in response to a recent court order concerning the negative 90-day finding we published in 2010, and in response to new information we have on porbeagle sharks.
We are initiating a status review of the species to determine if listing the species or any potential distinct population of the species is warranted. The information we compile will be used to develop a status review report, which will be independently peer-reviewed prior to making a listing decision.
We will use the information from the status review report, peer review reports, the petitions, and other available information to prepare and publish a determination regarding whether porbeagle sharks should be listed under the ESA. We intend to make a decision by mid-December 2015.
For the complete history and more background on this issue, read the new 90-day finding published in the Federal Register.
The comment period is open through May 12, 2015. Submit comments online using the Federal e-rulemaking portal, or send written comments to:
Assistant Regional Administrator
Protected Resources Division
Attn: Porbeagle Shark Status Review
Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office
National Marine Fisheries Service
55 Great Republic Drive
Gloucester, MA 01930.
Questions? Contact Jennifer Goebel, Regional Office, at 978-281-9175 or