March 4, 2015 — The following was released by the Maine Department of Marine Resources:
In November 2014, the citizens of Maine approved a $7 million dollar general obligation bond “to facilitate the growth of marine businesses and commercial enterprises that create jobs and improve the sustainability of the State’s marine economy and related industries through capital investments.”
The Maine Departments of Economic and Community Development and Marine Resources are seeking public input on the development of the Request for Proposals (RFP) for this competitive award to create jobs and improve sustainability in Maine’s marine economy and related industries. Input is requested from all interested parties, including private and public sectors, commercial and nonprofit enterprises, in all sectors of the marine economy, research community or interested public.
Specifically, the Departments seek input on the following questions:
– What conditions and synergies will lead to job growth in Maine’s marine industries?
– In which sectors do you see the greatest opportunities for innovation in the marine economy?
– What investments can we make to support the growth of our marine economy from one that is largely dependent on a wild-caught fishery with traditional processing to a hub of innovation with added value throughout the seafood and marine products supply chain?
– What capital investments are needed to expand opportunity for private sector growth in the marine economy, and what has prevented these investments from being made previously?
– What publicly shared resources or investments will provide the greatest benefit to a diverse array of businesses seeking to grow or move new products to commercialization?
The final RFP will seek applications that exhibit growth in each of four areas, including 1) traditional commercial fishing; 2) aquaculture; 3) value-added seafood processing; and 4) market development for Maine products.
RFP applicants also must include a representative from each of the following entities: 1) a marine-based research program at a private or public university of a nonprofit research institution; 2) commercial fishing or aquaculture interests; 3) community-based organizations committed to growth of local economy; and 4) private sector businesses. The bond funds will be issued as a single award, which must be matched by at least $7,000,000 in private and other funds.
All answers to the aforementioned questions or comments must be submitted in writing to or Maine Department of Marine Resources, Attn: Meredith Mendelson, 21 State House Station, Augusta ME 04333.