December 1, 2014 — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District is proposing maintenance and repair of the Nantucket Harbor east and west jetties, and the comment period has been extended until Dec. 28 to provide those interested more time to submit comments on the plan.
The proposed work involves repair and maintenance of the east and west jetties that sustained damage during Hurricane Sandy in October 2012. The east and west jetties provide protection not only for vessels entering and exiting the harbor but as a "harbor of refuge" for transiting ships looking to safely weather significant storm events throughout the year.
"The jetties are no longer at authorized dimensions due to storm damage, especially that sustained during Hurricane Sandy," said project manager Craig Martin of the Corps' New England District, Programs/Project Management Division in Concord, Mass. "The preliminary estimate of stone quantity to be placed is approximately 32,300 tons, with 17,800 tons required for the east jetty and 14,500 tons required for the west jetty."
Read the full story from The Inquirer and Mirror