October 31, 2014 — The following was released by the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC):
Dear Interested Parties:
The most recent issue of the New England Council's newsletter, the Council Report (attached), contains an error concerning measures proposed to address Gulf of Maine cod. As initially written, the page 3 article on the Framework 53 proposals reads:
"An additional alternative that is designed in a way similar to measures adopted in Northeast Groundfish Sector operations plans “would prohibit commercial groundfish vessels from operating west of 70° 15’ W longitude and from conducting fishing activity east of 70° 15’ W longitude, on the same trip, unless carrying an observer.”
The correction is as follows:
[Option 2] would prohibit commercial vessels from fishing in the Gulf of Maine west of 70° 15’ W and any other broad stock area (in this case, Broad Stock Area (BSA)2, BSA3, BSA4) on the same trip, unless carrying an observer. Vessels fishing only in the GOM cod stock area (BSA1) would not be restricted by this measure.
For more information, including maps of the alternatives, please take a look at the materials for the Nov. 12-13 Groundfish Committee meeting. They are being posted on the Council’s website www.nefmc.org, over the next several days.