September 6, 2014 — The Fishing Partnership Support Services estimates about 25 percent of Massachusetts groundfishermen are without health insurance and expects the percentage to grow higher each day the current fishing disaster continues.
That is why the partnership, which has offices in Gloucester, New Bedford, Scituate and Chatham, plans to put on a full-court press to help as many fishermen as possible sign up for health insurance when the next open enrollment period dawns on Nov. 15.
“It’s a critical time,” said J.J. Bartlett, president of the partnership. “That’s why it’s perfect timing for us to be able to expand our services by adding another full-time staffer to help fishermen navigate the health insurance application process.”
The process of obtaining health insurance is convoluted enough on its own, but Bartlett said it’s made more complex for fishermen and fishing families who are susceptible to fluctuating incomes that can reduce their eligibility from one year to the next for certain insurance programs.
There is also the very nature of the fishermen’s life, requiring extended time on the water, which leaves them less time to navigate the health insurance landscape on their own.
Read the full story at the Gloucester Daily Times