July 13, 2014 — Summer is here, and with it the number of people going to the ocean to swim, play and cool off skyrockets. These short few months are also the time of year when more shark sightings are reported, and shark hype and panic typically peaks as well.
When humans spend more time in and on the ocean waters, it is considered inevitable that the reports of shark sightings will rise. And while many of these reported sightings are never actually confirmed, the very suggestion of a shark close to shore is enough to send some people into panic mode.
Is there a reason to panic? Do beachgoers have to worry about the sharks that have always frequented the ocean waters? Are the Maine and New Hampshire coastal waters safe for swimmers? To find out, we asked University of New England Marine Biologist Dr. James Sulikowski and Andrew Pershing of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, along with local fishermen. Here's what they had to say:
What types of sharks are common in Maine and New Hampshire waters?
"Some of the common sharks we see in these waters are spiny dog fish, porbeagles, sand, tiger and basking," Sulikowski said.
Sulikowski is a shark expert and has spent several years studying and researching the sharks of the Maine waters.
Read the full story at the Portsmouth Herald