JUNEAU, Alaska — June 25, 2014 — With elections at every level of government around the state coming up this fall, many trade organizations are preparing their endorsements for candidates that best reflect their views and goals. Julianne Curry, the executive director of the United Fishermen of Alaska announced some of her organization’s endorsements this week.
“I just got off a three-hour long teleconference where we discussed our first round of endorsements. So the early endorsements prior to the additional endorsements we’ll make at our fall UFA board meeting, which will be coming up at the end of September.”
She said the board had decided on several races, and at least in the federal elections, is sticking with the tried and true incumbents.
“The United Fishermen of Alaska board of directors, those that can endorse political candidates, have put our support behind Senator Mark Begich for another term in the United States Senate. And we have also voted endorsed Don Young for another go-around at the U.S. House of Representatives.”
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