GLOUCESTER, Mass. — June 24, 2014 — The following was released by NOAA Fisheries:
NOAA Fisheries is now seeking public comment on the proposed measures listed below.
In 2011, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council received a request from Delaware's Fish and Wildlife Division to designate five artificial reef sites as Special Management Zones. These areas each encompass roughly one square nautical mile of federal water off the coast of Delaware. The artificial reefs, built by Delaware Fish and Wildlife, under an U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit, with funding from U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service were established to enhance recreational fishing. Over the years, recreational hook-and-line fishermen have voiced concerns that their gear often becomes entangled with lines from commercial pot fisheries.
The Council and NOAA Fisheries developed recommendations to reduce gear conflict while maintaining the social economic benefits for all users. These recommendations were shared broadly during three public meetings. The Council refined its recommendations based on public input and asked that NOAA Fisheries to implement final measures. NOAA Fisheries is now seeking further public comment on the following recommendations:
(1) Establish year-round Special Management Zones for all five Delaware artificial reefs (each area including 500 yard buffer encompasses roughly 2.4 square nautical miles); and
(2) Permit only hook-and-line and spear fishing (including the taking by hand) in these areas.
The deadline for public comments is 5 p.m. EST, on August 4, 2014. Click here to read more about the proposed measures.