WASHINGTON (Saving Seafood) — June 13, 2014 — "attendees will work collaboratively to describe the characteristics of an ideal data system that will meet the needs of industry, science, and management most effectively."
On June 30 and July 1, the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, in partnership with the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth School for Marine Science and Technology, and NOAA's Greater Atlantic Regional Office and Northeast Fisheries Science Center, will sponsor the "Northeast Federal Fishery Dependent Data Visioning Project Industry Workshop."
The workshop, which will take place at the Waypoint Events Center at the Fairfield Marriot in New Bedford, Massachusetts, will review how fisheries dependent data is collected in New England and Mid-Atlantic Fisheries, identify ways to improve the current data collection system, and examine how to get fisheries dependent data to best meet the requirements of fishery stakeholders. At the workshop, "attendees will work collaboratively to describe the characteristics of an ideal data system that will meet the needs of industry, science, and management most effectively."
Members of the public and industry are encouraged to attend the workshop. Those interested in attending can register online here, and should contact Patty Collins at 207-228-1625 or pcollins@gmri.org if they have any further questions.
The Gulf of Maine Research Institute has more information on the workshop and their Northeast Federal Fishery Dependent Data Visioning Project available here. The full agenda for the workshop is available here.