SEAFOOD.COM NEWS [by John Sackton] — April 7, 2014 — According to Dr. George Rose, the preeminent cod researcher in Newfoundland, the latest survey shows the Northern Cod stock in the Bonavista corridor is strongly rebounding.
“The stock could grow to 1 million tons if left alone,” said Rose.
He was speaking at memorial University about some of the preliminary results of a cod survey.
The stock is now around 200,000 tons, up from 135,000 tons in 2012. This is the same stock that was around 10,000 tons in the early 1990’s, after the cod moratorium.
Rose says that the age structure of the cod is excellent, with a lot of young fish.
This month, the Province will again embark on a cod research cruise with the Celtic Explorer, which has been chartered to study the comeback of the Northern cod.
We hope to have some video reports from Dr. Rose once that cruise is underway.
This story originally appeared on, a subscription site. It is reprinted with permission.