March 16, 2014 — The Massachusetts Marine Fisheries Advisory Commission announced on Monday it has approved new regulations affecting the commercial striped bass fishery, which are expected to be implemented prior to the start of the season. Usually, most of the space in this column is reserved for recreational fishing, however the new sweeping changes are big news and many recreational saltwater fishermen get their commercial licenses to be able to sell the striped bass they catch.
Opening day of the season has long been a bone of contention among Southeastern Mass. anglers as it typically opens after the first week of July, when most of the migrating fish have left Buzzards Bay and are off Cape Cod. Local anglers will be happy to hear that the new opening date is June 23, with the fishery to remain open until MarineFisheries projects that the quota — approximately 1.15 million pounds for 2014 — has been landed.
The new open fishing days are Mondays and Thursdays only. It is illegal to harvest striped bass for commercial purposes on all other days of the week.
The daily possession and landing limits for commercial fishermen have been lowered and are now based on the type of commercial fishing permit held. Fishermen holding a commercial lobster or boat permit with a striped bass endorsement will have a daily limit of 15 fish for the boat. Validation of a registered vessel is required to obtain a commercial lobster or boat permit. This limit applies to the permit holder regardless of the number of striped bass endorsements held or trips taken in a day. It also applies to the vessel regardless of the number of striped bass endorsement holders onboard or trips taken in a day.
Read the full story at the New Bedford Standard-Times