February 13, 2014 — Meeting at the Capitol in Baton Rogue, the Louisiana Seafood Promotion and Marketing Board took a strong stand against the current preferred alternative recommended by the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council on Amendment 28; red snapper allocation.
The resolution introduced by David Maginnis, vice president of Houma’s Jensen Tuna, declared the Board’s strong support for Amendment 28, Alternative 1; retaining the existing allocation of 51% for commercial fishermen and 49% recreational anglers, regardless of the total allowable catch.
The Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council is currently considering Reef Fish Amendment No. 28, Chapter 2 – Management Alternatives. The amendment alters traditional allocation of red snapper between the commercial fishing industry and recreational fisherman.
Two Alternatives are currently before the Council. Alternative 1 is based on an aggregate red snapper quota of 11 million pounds; commercial fishermen would be allocated 5.610 million and recreational fishermen 5.390 million.
The Gulf Council has thrown its support behind Alternative 5; shifting allocation percentages to 75% recreational and 25% commercial for aggregate red snapper quota greater than 9.12 million pounds.
Read the full story at Gulf Seafood News