October 30, 2013 — The following was released by the Massachusetts Marine Fisheries Institute (MFI):
Dear Colleagues:
We invite you to participate in a workshop hosted by the Massachusetts Marine Fisheries Institute (MFI) on "Reference Points and Uncertainty Buffers" on November 6-8 at the Waypoint Event Center in New Bedford (185 MacAuthur Boulevard, New Bedford;http://www.eventsbylhc.com/venues/waypoint-event-center/).
The MFI is coordinating an End-to-End Review of New England Groundfish Stock Assessments, and this workshop topic was identified at a recent scoping meeting in that process (report attached). An executive summary of the first workshop on environmental change is also attached as an example of the expected output from the second workshop.
This workshop will address the reference points and uncertainty buffers. The starting point for the workshop terms of reference (TORs) are the recommendations made by the SSC in their report on MFI’s analysis “A Report on Economic and Scientific Conditions in the MassachusettsMultispecies Groundfishery”. In order to address the SSC’s recommendations, the workshop will provide a catalog of reference points and document the effect of their utilization on the probability of overfishing and catch limits. Best practices will be developed utilizing different scenarios of data availability, and model choice. The workshop will also address the risk implications of these decisions. The workshop will document current practices relative to setting OFL-ABC buffers and address the potential costs and benefits of these buffers. The workshop will also analyze alternative methods to setting buffers and should recommend best practices.
Draft Terms of Reference
1. Evaluate the biological, social and economic risk implications of commonly used FMSYand BMSY proxies.
2. Provide guidance on the magnitude of the buffer between OFL and ABC, which is intended to take account of scientific uncertainty.
3. Provide recommendations that are relevant to the general topic.
The meetings are open to all interested parties who register by contacting Emily Keiley,ekeiley@umassd.edu, so please forward this announcement to anyone else in your organization or network who might be interested. Please register no later than Friday, November 1st.
Please also contact me if you would like the steering group to consider a presentation of your research or your perspective for the agenda. A more detailed agenda will be distributed to registrants in advance of the meeting.
Steve Cadrin