August 8, 2013 — The following story was released by NOAA Fisheries:
When it comes to shark science, we have some of the top expertise in the country. From coast to coast, more than 40 scientists conduct research to support the conservation and management of 44 shark species in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
In fact, our Apex Predators Program is the oldest shark research program in the country and celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. Its mission is to conduct life history studies of commercially and recreationally important shark species, gathering information that helps provide baseline biological data for the management of large Atlantic sharks.
But wherever shark research is taking place, it’s a lot like the scientists who conduct it: diverse and driven. Our shark research runs the full gamut—tagging and tracking, shark ageing, biology, genetic analysis, population dynamics, and habitat studies—just to name a few. Who are some these scientists and what’s the coolest thing about studying sharks up close?
Read the full story and see the featured scientists at NOAA Fisheries