PORTLAND, Maine — June 21, 2013 — While no final measures were taken on Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2, New England scallopers will ultimately benefit from the management alternatives selected by the New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) at Wednesday’s full Council meeting for further development. The alternatives included by the Council for analysis in the Amendment’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) won’t impose any further restrictions on scallopers in the Georges Bank area, and could also grant scallopers access to a wealth of scallops on its Northern Edge.
During its report of the NEFMC’s Joint Groundfish and Habitat Committee, the Council selected alternatives that will be considered for inclusion in Amendment 2. These alternatives are aimed at minimizing adverse effects on Essential Fish Habitat while protecting groundfish spawning grounds and juvenile groundfish habitat. The Council examined management alternatives for several key regions including the Western Gulf of Maine (GOM), Central GOM, Eastern GOM, and Georges Bank.
Looking specifically at Georges Bank, the NEFMC voted to remove two alternatives that would have been detrimental to scallopers’ efforts on the Northern Edge, and agreed to modify a third alternative by removing a proposed elimination of a large portion of the Closed Area II scallop access area. As a result, with the exception of a “no action” alternative, which would maintain the status quo, the remaining Georges Bank Alternatives will only increase access to the scallop resource in this area. The NEFMC also voted to add an additional alternative based on a proposal from the Fisheries Survival Fund (FSF), which would grant scallopers access to the Northern Edge of Georges Bank.
Several audio clips related to this discussion can be found below (Note: Unfortunately, due to problems with available recordings of this meeting, we are only able to provide certain portions of the recording):
Listen to Peter Hughes, of Atlantic Cape Fisheries, discuss yellowtail bycatch avoidance, and voice his support for the inclusion of areas such as the Northern Edge of Georges Bank in rotational fishing efforts.
Listen to John Bullard, NOAA’s Northeast Regional Administrator, stress the importance of including data presented by the scallop industry in the Council’s decision-making process.
Listen to NEFMC Scallop Oversight Committee Chair, Mary Beth Tooley, propose a motion that would allow scallopers to fully utilize the scallop resource on the Northern Edge.
Listen to John Bullard, NOAA’s Northeast Regional Administrator, voice his support for the motion made by Mary Beth Tooley related to FSF’s proposal.
Listen to Gib Brogan, Oceana’s Northeast Representative, discuss the goals and objectives of Amendment 2 and scallop recovery.