May 6, 2013 — Last Thursday, the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council set the black sea bass regulations in state waters for the 2013 season. The minimum size is 121/2 inches with a 20-fish bag limit and a season that runs from May 19 to August 8; then from Sept. 27 to Oct. 14; and then from Nov. 1 to Dec. 31.
Setting the black sea bass regulations was a little different this year in that Amendment XXIII, which was approved by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC), provided for regional management measures to be implemented for the species. This modification is for the 2013 season only
The change was deemed necessary because of the wide geographic range of this species. The application of coastwide minimum size, possession limit, and season restrictions did not affect every area involved in the fishery the same way. Some states took the lion’s share of the coastwide quota before other states even had a chance to fish for sea bass.
There is also a great deal amount of uncertainty when it comes to the size and health of the stock, which fishery managers have called fully rebuilt. Yet despite that status, the fishery exceeded its quota in 2009, 2010 and 2010 and was closed early in two of those years.
Read the full story at the Asbury Park Press